Waiting for the wind
per voce e Gamelan giavanese
Dedication: a mio fratello Giovanni
Lyrics: su frammenti di Helen Lucke
Instruments: voce, Gamelan (Suling e Rebab soli, Gender panerus, Gender barung, Slenthem, Bonang panerus, Bonang barung, Peking, Saron demung, Kenong, Kenpul, Gong ageng, Gambang, Siter panerus, Siter bonang, Kendhang)
Composition year: 1998
(c): Ricordi 1998
Catalogue number: 138123
Manuscripts and printed documents kept at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel>
Manuscripts kept at the Archivio Storico Ricordi in Milan
First performance: 25.04.1998, Manchester, Bridgewater Hall - South Bank Gamelan Players
Duration: 10'